By The Girl and The Boy

Brenna's children borrowed a pregnant mouse and are raising the babies this summer. They will record their experiences here.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Blaze gets special treatment

Blaze is so skinny  that we need to feed him milk.  Blaze likes the milk. I feed it to him every day. I really like it. The other mice might need some too but they don't like it. Blaze is so lucky that he gets all the special treatment. Two others might need it too.

---The Girl

We tried offering him the Kitten Milk Replacer from the cup too and that seemed to work as well.

---The Mom

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Sleepy boy mice

Rascal and Blaze snuggle up for a nap.

Mama Jane says goodbye

Jane went back to her house to rejoin the mouse herd. Thank you, Jane!

The boys dorm

Here are the boys checking out their new digs. Never mind the end of the video. I don't know how to edit... or keep my children in line, apparently.

The boys in their new house

Last Family Video

A few weeks ago (I know, we're behind!), we had to separate the boys from the girls to avoid becoming big volume mouse breeders. Here's their last hurrah:
