We noticed that the corner that Jane stashed them in is the one where the water bottle was, causing them to be occasionally dripped on. I carefully moved them each to the opposite corner, my hands shaking as I tried desperately not to squish anyone. Only later did I realize that I could have switched the lid around, putting the attached water bottle in a different corner. D'OH!
Jane did not enjoy my interference. Over night she built an underground nest and pulled a shavings-covered piece of cardboard over the pile of babies, effectively making it look like the whole lot of them escaped. Once I figured out where she had put them, the cardboard served as a handy lid of sorts to give me access to the babies. Much to Jane's displeasure, I might add.
The babies are now making noises loud enough for us to hear! They do it when they are nursing. I've managed to catch a glimpse or two of the nursing process. It's adorable!
--The Mom
Getting bigger! This one's one of the biggest.
This one is one of the smallest.
Here's the one that's getting dark. He's also one of the biggest.
It's hard to see but this one's back foot is red and swollen.
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